My favorite games of 2024.

I released a game this year! And damn if it ain’t been a while. If you missed it, the title I put out was the first entry in the Fullbright Presents series, a planned anthology of short, strange games, developed and released as solo projects by yours truly. It’s been a year of learning and exercising news skills as a solo dev— doing programming, art, and Steam release management (along with the usual design, writing, and content implementation) has been a lot of challenging, rewarding fun, and I’m looking forward to expanding my skills for future installments in the series.

But it’s also been a year of playing games that have been released recently, and it probably won’t come as a surprise that a lot of what I played was short, strange, and created by solo developers or very small teams— but that’s not all I’ve been into. Take a look below for a list of recommended games, big and small, that have made an impression on me this year. I hope you’ll enjoy them as much as I have.